Junior Classes ( ages 13 - 17 )

At United Martial Arts, we realize that the emotional and philosophical development of our students is as much a part of martial arts as the physical training.

Students learn life skills by developing self-confidence, concentration, self-discipline, determination, respect, patience and more.  The personal disciplines developed improve attention span, and enhance listening and communication skills. 

Personal security and safety are emphasized through self-defense training appropriate to the age groups.  Students learn to use their self-defense techniques only at the right times, and to use the appropriate amount of force. 

Physical conditioning improves health, fitness and abilities in all activities.  It is common to see dramatic improvements in student's grades.  Schoolteachers universally rate our students above average in Confidence, Self-Control, Leadership, Level-of-Effort and General Behavior.

Like all UMA students, our Juniors (age 13-17) learn the martial art of Kung Fu.  At UMA, we teach a complete system of Kung Fu, which includes the  control movements (joint locks) of Chin Na (Aikido / Hapkido), the body control and throwing techniques of Rho Tao (Jujitsu / Judo), the linear power-blocks, strikes and kicks of Kong Su (Karate / TaeKwonDo), the body development and self-defense forms of BaguaZhang, a selection of traditional martial arts Weapons, such as short staff, long staff, nunchaku, broadsword, and much more!

Private Lessons are available upon request.

 © 2009-, UMA Associates, LLC. All rights reserved.